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[Workshop] Informs 2020 - Part 3: Solving models in the cloud with GAMS Engine
Apologies for the bad audio at the beginning. It gets better after a few seconds! This year GAMS Development Corporation/GAMS Software...
[Workshop] Informs 2020 - Part 2: Model Deployment with MIRO
This year GAMS Development Corporation/GAMS Software GmbH hosted a virtual workshop at the Informs annual meeting. The two hour workshop...
[Webinar] SHOT - The Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit
Part One of GAMS Introductory Video Series SHOT (Supporting Hyperplane Optimization Toolkit) is a deterministic solver for mixed-integer...
[Tutorial] A Simple First GAMS Model
Part One of GAMS Introductory Video Series In this video we look at a simple first GAMS model about vintage cars and trucks. Components:...
[Workshop] Informs 2020 - Part 1: Introduction to GAMS
This year GAMS Development Corporation/GAMS Software GmbH hosted a virtual workshop at the Informs annual meeting. The two hour workshop...
[Webinar] GAMS MIRO 1.0 - Deploy your GAMS models in minutes!
We are proud to announce the release candidate for GAMS MIRO 1.0. GAMS MIRO is the new deployment environment for your GAMS models. Turn...
[Webinar] ODH|CPLEX Solver Webinar
GAMS/ODHCPLEX is a solver from Optimization Direct Inc. that implements a set of heuristic methods (named ODHeuristics) for finding...
Good Modeling Practice (Part Two of the GAMS Introductory Video Series)
This video will extend the first video’s vintage cars and trucks model by implementing good modeling practice (sets and parameters) and...
Interactive web application with GAMS Miro v0.4 (Part Three of the GAMS Introductory Video Series)
This video introduces basic reporting and configures an interactive web application. Components: sets, scalars, parameters, universal...
[Webinar] GAMS MIRO Engine - running GAMS in the cloud!
GAMS MIRO Engine is a new, highly scalable version of GAMS that is tailored to cloud environments. MIRO Engine moves the heavy...
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